Case study 

Uncovering positive and surprising attributes through a successful campaign

17 Successes repositioned an industry sector through people-centric storytelling.

The challenge

A benchmark study concluded that most EU stakeholders cannot name an application of chlorine-based chemistry beyond water treatment. Euro Chlor (the European trade association for the chlorine industry) wanted to address this, and emphasise the economic importance of the European chlorine industry – even though few people are directly employed.

Our 17 successes show the wide variety of occupations that rely on chlorine chemistry.
The Landmarks Solution

17 Successes focuses on individuals involved in the many industries which use - at any stage - chlorine-derived chemistry. (We chose 17 subjects to emphasise chlorine’s position on the chemical Periodic Table of elements.)

The subjects, representing a wide variety of socio-economic activity from a student to a mechanic to a farmer, were interviewed and photographed. The resulting profiles followed a structured format for consistency throughout the 17 different people. 

The result provides a human connection and a very real reminder of the downstream employment and economic benefits provided by the European chlorine industry. 

17 successes occupations that rely on chlorine chemistry
Interviews with each subject convey the societal benefit at local level.
Design Thinking

As well as the primary aim of explaining the socio-economic contribution of the European chlorine industry on a relatable level, our 17 successes introduce the breadth of application of chlorine chemistry. 

The resulting media assets are as applicable to social media, print and web use and continue to effectively communicate for Euro Chlor several years after launch.

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