Landmarks develop visual identity & brand guidelines for some of the largest companies and trade associations. See how we help Lexus stay on brand across Europe.
Lexus has grown into a well-respected luxury lifestyle brand. Although best known for making great cars, initiatives including the Lexus sports yacht and the LOFT are taking the brand in interesting directions. A disciplined but flexible approach to communications is required in order to ensure customers and prospects are presented with a consistent brand across all touchpoints.
With our deep knowledge of all things Lexus, combined with three decades of branding expertise, we understand how to design and protect a visual identity. We translated the brand signifiers and differentiators into a visual language, developing rules with the flexibility to be applied across Europe. Our guidelines are not limited to visual aspects, either – tone-of-voice is addressed to reach a new, younger, demographic.
Thinking of the end user at all stages, our guidelines provide clear instruction to ensure consistent application – across print, web, social media and TV. To address a pan-European audience, we reduced the quantity of text used to convey information, providing clear annotations and facilitate translation. The resulting brand guidelines underpin all Lexus communication across Europe.
Get in touch to discuss how Landmarks can help you.