Case study 

Updating an industry-leading association through powerful design

Refreshing Cepi's visual identity to reflect a shift in perspective.

The challenge

The Confederation of European Paper Industries – Cepi – represents the pulp and paper industry. They are a dynamic association, dedicated to sustainability and biodiversity. Their legacy branding, although recognised within the industry, did not accurately reflect this.


The Landmarks Solution

We met with Cepi and discussed their aspirations and aims. We wanted to ensure recognisability and brand equity were retained, but with a professional update suited to cross-media communication. Our aim was to convey a reinvigorated association ready to address the challenges posed by a move towards carbon neutrality.

Design Thinking

Refreshing a brand requires a delicate balance – modernising whilst maintaining a core brand identity and strategy. Our update for Cepi builds on their legacy, but propels them ahead, matching their ambition to be at the heart of the bio economy.

From keynote visuals to documents and the Cepi website, Landmarks ensure that Cepi’s visual communications match their ambition to be at the heart of the bio-economy.
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